NSTU Admission Circular 2022-23. NSTU admission test Notice, Admit Card, A, B, C, D Unit Result, Help, Seat Plan, Exam Questions Solution 2022-2023 session has published here. Noakhali Science and Technology University has been published NSTU admission notice on their official website – nstu.edu.bd. In this notice clear indication that, from 20 August, 2022 admission will start and it will be end on 15th September 2023. But there is a big question that, how to apply in NSTU admission 2022-23. How to get admission Result, Seat Plan, Routine and any others. Guys don’t worry, by this post we will tell and show you A to Z information about NSTU admission 2022-2023 academic session.
NSTU Admission Circular 2022-23
Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU) is one of the Engineering university in Bangladesh. Generally, in our country when a student complete his HSC, than he and she can apply for this admission. A huge number of students apply for this admission. There is a limited seats for students. There you have some requirements for this admission. Without their requirements you can not apply for this admission. Here is not end, you must have more requirement to admit yourself in NSTU admission 2022-2023 session.
Application Start: 20 August, 2023.
Application Deadline: 15 September, 2023 with Holiday (11:59 PM)
NSTU Admission test Application Processing:
Only Interested and Eligible candidates must be Apply to fill the online admission form. The applicant must complete the admission test related information through the Admission website (https://nstu.admission.online). The applicant can see the admission related information, links and notice on this site. Before entering the website, the items mentioned below will be kept.
- Go to the https://nstu.admission.online
- Provide required information according to SSC/HSC/Equivalent Exam.
- Scanned or digitized camera 300 x 300 pixel size, a colored image (JPG), the file size will not exceed 100 KB. 300 x 80 pixel size scanned one signature (JPG) (deeper sign and then scan with black ink on paper). File size will not exceed 60 KB.
- Payment for BKash or DBBL for 800 / – (with all charges) for online admission. After the payment has been completed, the mobile will send an SMS immediately, which will include the transaction ID. You must save this Transaction ID.
- In order to fulfill the form, you will need to input this Transaction ID (for each unit, you will have to pay 800 / – (with all charges) and payment of Transaction ID).
Payment Instruction
Payment by DBBL
- Dial * 322 # from Dutch Bangla Mobile Banking Account.
- From the menu, select 1 and follow the payment options.
- Once again, go to the bill payment option.
- Again, select 1 and go to Self Options.
- Give Biller id 216.
- Type the roll number of the candidate’s HSC.
- Type fee of 800 / – (including all charges) fixed by the university.
- Please provide the designated PIN of your mobile account.
After the payment completed, the money sent from the mobile will send an instant SMS, which will contain the transaction ID. This transaction ID must saved. Because this Transaction ID input will required when completing the form.
Payment by bKash
- Dial * 247 # to go to Bikash Mobile Menu.
- Select “Payment”.
- Enter merchant bKash account number 01765 59 26 54.
- Type fee of 800 / – (including all charges) fixed by the university.
- Type the roll number of the candidate’s HSC as reference.
- Counter Number 1 day.
- BKash PIN ****** Complete payment by input.
After the payment completed, the money sent from the mobile will send an instant SMS, which will contain the transaction ID. This transaction ID must saved. Because this Transaction ID input will required when completing the form.
Download NSTU Admission Test Admit Card
Candidates have to Download NSTU Admission Test Admit Card by official website. NSTU Admit Card download date and time schedule will notify by SMS and official site. Applicant will keep the scanned soft copies of a passport size colored photograph (300×300 pixel, maximum 100 kb) & a signature (300×80 pixel, maximum 60 kb) in two different file. Then visit http://nstu.teletalk.com.bd, and input the User ID and Password which you received applying through SMS. If the input is successful, option for uploading the photo & the signature will appear. If you Lost User ID or Password of NSTU. Recovery by Send Following SMS-
NSTU <space> HELP <space> first three letters of the name of HSC Education Board <space> HSC Roll No <space> Passing Year of HSC> and send it to 16222.
Example : NSTU HELP DHA 637373 2016 and Send 16222.
NSTU Admission Test Seat Plan:
NSTU Admission Test will held on 3 and 4 November 2018. Before Admission Test, NSTU will declare Admission Test Seat Plan. Admission Test Seat Plan will publish before of Admission test. When the authority publish Admission Test unit wise seat plan, we update here.
NSTU Admission Test Mark Distribution
Admission Test Examination will held in MCQ. Total number of exams 100 and Examination Pass Number: 40
- A Unit: There will 120 questions in each of the 20 questions on Bangla, English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. Must answer 100 questions. Physics, chemistry and mathematics are compulsory for every candidate. There are two answers to both English, Bengali and Biology.
- B Unit: There will 120 questions in each of the 20 questions on Bangla and English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. Must answer 100 questions. Physics, chemistry and biology are mandatory for each test. Bengali, English and Mathematics to answer any two.
- C unit: 20 in ‘Bangla and English’ and 20 questions in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics will answer 100 questions each.
- D unit: Bengali (25), English (25), General Knowledge (25 subjects of Bangladesh subjects and 25 international issues) will answer the total of 100 questions.
- E unit: Total 100 questions must be answered, including Bangla (25), English (25), general knowledge (50 subjects from Bangladesh topics, international topics and syllabus of high school examinations).
- F unit: Over 100 questions, including Bengali (20), English (20), accounting science (20), business principles and applications (20), marketing or finance (20), have to be answered.
NSTU Admission Result
After Complete NSTU Admission Test you will be find admission result NSTU official site. If you can’t find result from official site. Here you can get NSTU admission result. You can get all Unit Result. We try to help to get your result as soon as possible. So keep on your eyes and bookmark our website. It will be better if you like our Facebook Fan Page. We will update all information there.
NSTU Admission Circular 2022-23
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