Dakhil Board Challenge Result 2022 Madrasah Board. Download Dakhil Re-Scrutiny Result 2022 with Re-Check and Re-Monitoring Dakhil Exam Answer Paper or Khata. Madrasah Education Board Dakhil Result Rescrutiny Application process will be available after publication of the final result. Dakhil Result 2022 will publish very soon. When the result will publish we will update here as soon as possible.
Actually, the public exam like JDC/Dakhil/Alim Equivalent answer script is observed by examiners those who are appointed by the Board committee. We know a proverb that ”To Err Human”. This is why it has seen that after published examination result, some students cannot pass in spite of being a good student due to examiner mistaken. You must know it only happens unwillingly. But for this reason, the Education Board will publish a circular for those candidates those who are accidentally failing. Through this article, we will show all the direction of how you could Re-Check your results.
Dakhil Board Challenge Result
In 2019, a total of 286917 (142622 male and 144295 female) students appeared in the exam. Among them, 203382 (101436 male and 101946 female) students passed, i.e. secured minimum GP 1.0 in every compulsory and elective subject. The percentage of Pass is 70.89. Total 3371 (1988 male and 1383 female) students secured GPA 5.00 of Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board Result of Dakhil Examination 2019. But, it is a matter of great sorrow that last year about 83535 students were failing.
Board Challenge is not only for Failed students, but also for passing student too. Suppose, you got GPA 4.90 (A) but you deserve GPA 5.00 (A+) and for these circumstances, you can go for re-monitoring your result to upgrade your marks. First of all, you have to check your Dakhil Marksheet 2022 to see which subject reduce your CGPA or Grade. How many subjects for you want to apply Re-monitoring it depends upon your result and your wish. If you have confidence, you are worthy of getting better result or marks, then you can go for Board Challenge very soon. There was a limited time for this process.
When Dakhil Result Board Challenge 2022 will start?
Like all years Dakhil Result Re-Scrutiny 2022 will start the next day of result publication.
SSC Result Re-Scrutiny 2022 Notice
Re-Scrutiny Application Process
There is only one method to Rescrutiny of your Dakhil Result. There is no way to Challenge your result. Even you can not apply without Teletalk SIM. You must be applied by Teletalk SIM. For per subject, you must pay 125Tk, which is non-refundable. For Bangla and English Subject you must be pay 250Tk, which is non-refundable. Get Subject Name & Code see Dakhil Examination Routine 2022. Now, follow the direction to apply Dakhil Result Rescrutiny 2021.
1st SMS:
RSC<space>First Three Letter of Board Name<space>Roll No<Space>Subject Code and send to 16222
Example: RSC MAD 123456 123 Send to 16222.
After Send the First SMS you will receive a PIN Number along with your Information.
2nd SMS:
When you send messages, in reply you will get a confirmation message with a PIN number. If you are agreeing to apply to go to your message option and type –
RSC<space>YES<space>PIN number<space>Contact Number and send to 16222
Example: RSC YES 546578 01700000000 and Send to 16222.
Fill-Up each message with carefully. Give your Contact number which is 24 hours available. Check and read your inbox regularly. Otherwise, you must unable to see Dakhil Result Rescrutiny 2021.
SSC Board Challenge Result 2022
When will publish Dakhil ReCheck Result 2022?
After the death of ReScrutiny application process education board will take a few days to prepare the result. Don’t worry the result will publish before the Alim Admission 2022-2023 session. One of our spokesmen said Dakhil Board Challenge Result 2021 will publish between 20-25 days after the publication of Dakhil/Equivalent Examination Result. Dakhil Board Challenge Result 2022 Publish Date will be fixed after the publication result.
Dakhil ReScrutiny Result 2022 PDF Download
Finally, we hope you can be applied Dakhil Rescrutiny Result. All of your confusion has gone. If you have any question about Dakhil Result 2022 Board Challenge Result. Please inform us on our Facebook Fan Page. Get more update Everyday, Please like our Facebook Fan Page and get Updates.