BITWA Job Circular 2019. Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority Job Circular 2019. Download BIWTA Result 2019. application form 2019. BIWTA Chairman declare BIWTA Exam Question, Job Circular and Result 2019. You can also get Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority Job Exam Date or Schedule and Seat Plan 2020. Actually the BITWA Job 2020 maintain by Here, we will update A to Z information about BITWA Job Circular 2019.
It’s a big opportunity to all the people. Because, maximum people want to like a good job. In this case this job circular is too much important for the people. Most of the people are unemployed in our country. This job is very necessary to them. It’s a great honor job. It’s a dream job for the people of our country. To get all the information of Bangladesh inland water transport authority job circular 2019. You can visit our website. Here is all the information relating to the employment. Our goal is to provide all the information relating to the employment. This service will play a major role in reducing unemployment.
BITWA Job Circular 2019 Ι
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority also known as BIWTA is the authority who controls the inland water transport in Bangladesh. It’s also responsible for managing development and maintenance of inland water transport system. The department was first established in 1958 by the former East Pakistan government as East Pakistan Inland Water Transport Authority (EPIWTA). It established for overall control, management, and development of inland water transports in the entire region.
This agency introduced on October 31, 1958 with the ordinance called the East Pakistan Inland water Transport Authority Ordinance 1958 (E.P. Ordinance, NO LXXV of 1958). Later the government appointed three constituted authority of this institution on November 4, 1958. After independence of Bangladesh this department named as Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority. Today, an appointed advisory committee advise in respect of all related development, maintenance, and operations of inland water transport and of inland waterways in Bangladesh.
Condition to Apply
In the case of recruitment and other financial opportunities, the common rules of development projects issued by the government will followed.
- Candidates working in government / semi-government / autonomous bodies will have to apply through self-government. Advance copy will not acceptable.
- Incorrect and incomplete applications considered canceled. The Authority reserves the right to suspend or cancel the appointment notice without showing any reason.
How to Apply
Candidate will have to apply for the application form of the Public Administration Ministry in the format of the application, which will available on the website of Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) (
- There is no need to attach any other type of papers to the passport with the application.
- However, during the oral examination, all the educational qualifications and experience certificates, the original copy of permanent resident and citizen certificate issued by the ward commissioner of the mayor / city corporation of the chairman / municipality mayor of the Union Parishad should be displayed and at the time to submit the attested photocopy of 1 (one) Will be.
- During the oral examination, for the freedom fighters / martyred freedom fighters, the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs should display the original copy of the certificate / certificate issued for the parents / mother and at that time the attested photocopy of 1 (one) copies of the relevant papers should be submitted.
- The name of the candidate, the name of the candidate and the name of the candidate’s own district should mentioned clearly on the envelope.
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority New Job Circular 2019 PDF
Payment Instruction: With the application “BIWT-1 project” must attached to the pay order / bank draft (non-refundable) of 100 (one hundred) taka.
How to Get Admi Card: Candidates will contacted by letter to participate in written / oral examination. No TA / DA will provided for the examination. Candidate’s own address should be attached to an 10-inch 4-size envelope application with a stamp of 10 (ten) Taka.
BIWTA Exam Result 2019 Ι www biwtc gov bd
All information, including the results of the appointment on the Department under the website (, will updated from time to time. After selecting the application, the appropriate candidate will called for special / practical / written examination / field. result 2019 will be publish here.
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- BIWTA Result 2019
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