BAU Admission Circular 2020-21. BAU Admission Result 2020-21. Bangladesh Agricultural University Admission Seat Plan & Admit Card, Question Solution. Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) has published Honours Level -1, Semester – 1 Circular for different Faculty in 2020-21 Academic Calender on their official website – In this circular BAU BD clearly delare that, examine must be apply by Online and SMS. Here we are providing you all way to admission in BAU.
BAU Admission Circular 2020-21
Bangladesh Agricultural University is one of the best Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science University. Which is situated at Mymensingh as its nucleus. It also a renowned university in continent of Asia. It is most competitive university in Bangladesh. Every year a large number of student apply in this university after their HSC pass. For this reason BAU authority has taken a admission test with some requirements. Now, main question is How to Apply in BAU. How to get result, seat plan, Admit card and many others. Don’t worry by this post we will inform you A to Z information about BAU Admission.
Application Start: Not Yet
Application End: Not Yet
Apply System: Online ( and SMS based.
Minimum Qualification for Apply
If you want to apply in Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) you must have some requirements. Without their requirements you can’t apply BAU admission. Please follow the requirements below-
- Must be pass SSC or Equivalent in 2017/18 and pass HSC or Equivalent in 2019/2020 from Science group.
- You will have SSC and HSC the total GPA 9. Every Applicant can’t attend in BAU Admission Test. The maximum number of seats in the applicants will be given on the basis of merit based on the number of 12000 student.
- In SSC and HSC Equivalent both examination you must have Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology with different subject.
Important date and time of BAU Admission Circular 2020-21
How to Apply BAU Admission
Here, you could apply with two different rules. One is Online Apply and Second is SMS based. For joining the admission test you must follow the 2 rules below-
- Online Rules: First go to BAU official website. Than fill up your form correctly. When you can fill up application successfully, there will be make a Bill Number. This Bill Number will be need in Application fee payment time. So save your Bill Number.
- SMS Method: You can apply BAU admission by SMS system. You can apply by any operator number. Than go to your mobile message option. Than type MMS <space> BAU <space> SSC Roll Number <space> SSC Registration Number <space> SSC Passing Year <space> First 3 letter of Board <space> HSC Roll Number <space> HSC Registration Number <space> HSC Passing Year <space> First 3 letter of Board and send it 6969 number.
MMS BAU 158789 1411591135 2018 DHA 257563 1232476611 2020 DHA
if you have any quata please type your Quta Keyword after HSC board letter.
MMS BAU 158789 1411591135 2018 DHA 257563 1232476611 2020 DHA FF
Keyword of Quata:
- Freedom Fighters Child / Grand Child – FF
- Chittagong Area Tribal Quata keyword – HT
- Without Chittagong Area Tribal Quata – OT
Keyword of Education Board:
Dhaka Board – DHA, Chittagong Board – CHI, Comilla Board – COM, Barisal Board – BAR, Rajshahi Board – RAJ, Sylhet Board – SYL, Khulna Board – KHU, Dinajpur Board – DIN, Madrasah Board – MAD, Tecnical Board – TEC
Valid Candidates List
Every applicants couldn’t appear in BAU admission test. Bangladesh Agriculture University Admission Test Exam will be held in due time. Total 12,000 candidates can sit for admission test of BAU as per hsc exam result. See circular details from below. For 1200 seats (reserved seats 54) up to 12,000 candidates will sit for admission test of BAU. Admission Test Exam MCQ Type of 100 Marks. MCQ Question Subject, Physics, Chemistry, Math, Biology
Download BAU Admission Test Admit Card
Only valid candidates will be able to download admit card in due time. 12,000 candidates will sit for admission test of BAU as per hsc result. Valid candidates list will be published at BAU official site and this site.
A confirm SMS will be send about admission test exam. Then student have to download admit card after published valid candidate for exam test. A color 160×200 pixel jpg format will need for download admit card. Give your hsc board, roll & registration no. Then give your pin no and upload your photo. Now download your admit card and print.
Seat Plan of BAU Admission Test
BAU admission test seat plan will be published with Admit Card. When BAU authority publish admission seat plan we will update here. See seat plan from below.
Available Seat Number
The BAU has six faculties and 43 departments. But in Undergraduate admission they will have only 1200 seats for six faculties. Please see the image below-
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