Cadet Colleges Admission Circular 2023. Bangladesh Cadet College Class Seven (7) VII Admission Result 2023. Bangladesh Cadet Colleges Admission Test Circular- 2023. Cadet Colleges Admission Result 2023. Cadet College Online Admission System 2023. Download Admit Card, Written Viva Exam Final Result Question Solve 2023. With this post, we will show you A to Z information about BD Cadet College Admission Process, Body Requirements, Exam Mark Distribution and Exam Date and Time.
However, the Cadet Colleges, Autonomous Residential Education Institutes. It conducted directly under the direct supervision of the Bangladesh Army’s Adjutant General. These traditional educational institutes, along with their education, have co-curricular activities with equal importance and develops cadets as good citizens and smart people.
Cadet Colleges Admission Circular 2023
Under the supervision of the military officer, cadets created in such a manner by providing elementary military training and leadership training so that in the future. They can provide leadership in all areas of the society, including the armed forces. There are 12 cadet colleges in Bangladesh with boys 09 and girls 03 in present Bangladesh. In all cadet colleges, the requirement for admission in class 7 as a class 7 in the year 2019 is to call online application from qualified candidates.
Login to apply online:
Online Application Start: 01 November 2022
Online Application End: 07 December 2022
Written Examination Date: 06 January 2023, up till 9 am to 12 am
To avail of the quota facility, you must apply online through any ‘E-booth Outlet’.
Cadet Colleges Admission Circular 2023
Candidate Qualifications
- Nationality: The candidate must be a Bangladeshi citizen.
- Educational Qualification: Candidate must pass the sixth grade or equivalent final examination.
- Age: The maximum age of 13 years will be 06 months.
Physical Qualification:
- Height: Minimum 4 feet 8 inches (Applicable for both boys and girls).
- Health: Candidates must be physically and mentally fit.
- Vision power
Without Glasses | With Glasses | Comment |
6/12 in one eye Another eye 6/18 |
6/6 in one eye Another eye 6/6 |
Eyeglasses will not be more than 2D (-) on any eye.
Spherical Equivalent is to be calculated for astigmatism. |
For the following reasons the candidates will be considered as ineligible at any stage of the admission process:
- Cadet College admission test admission.
- If written, oral and health check are ineligible.
- Gross Knock Knee, Flat Food, Colour Blind, and Over Weight.
- Asthma, Epilepsy, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Rheumatic Fever, Tuberculosis, chronic dysentery, hepatitis, duodenal ulcer, Night Blindness, Any type of Diabetes, haemophilia, urine in the patient, and so on.
- Other causes identified by the health test board.
How to Apply
The following steps can be taken directly online through the internet. Candidates can Apply Application directly and fill out the application form from the official website.
- Go to the On the Home page, you will see Cadet College Online Admission System 2019. Click ‘Create New Application’ button. By accepting ‘Terms & Conditions’, the form will fill each section and click on the ‘Save & Next’ button. The applicant’s application ID number and password will be displayed at the stage, which will be followed by the application fee and the entry form must be preserved because of the need to print/download, Note that after changing this step, Can not go.
- Passport size of 180 × 210 pixels and 200 KB (KB) JPG format picture (15 Do not take much of the day before). If you want to see the completed application after uploading the picture correctly. Click on the ‘Preview Application Data’ button. To change the picture, click on the ‘Upload Image’ button. Click the right image to be connected. Note that the picture cannot be changed after this step.
Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College Admission Circular 2023
How to Payment Application Fee
Successfully uploaded the picture after clicking on the ‘Payment’ button. Mobile Money, Q Cash, Teletalk or Bkash, through any one of 1,400 / – (one thousand four hundred) To send. In the case of development, the money will be sent to 01708363849 (Merchant Development Account).
Note: The detailed procedure linked to the Operator Icon in the ‘Payment for Application’ page.
How to Get Admit Card:
After completing the application form fee, print this entry in the ‘Print Admit Card’ Button. You have to click on. Receive the applicant’s application ID number and password (at the end of the first step) in the assigned home page. Direct entry can print/download. If you need to print/download the re-entry for any reason, just click the ‘Print Admit Card’ button. Can print/download. As a matter of fact, the candidate must be present with the latest revised entrance test.
Application and necessary documents submitted through ‘E-booth Outlet’ established by Cadet College
In order to fulfil the online application for the convenience of candidates and guardians, there will be an application fee for E-booth Outlet in each cadet college and at Dhaka Army stadium. Cadet College ‘E-booth Outlet’ will be available from __ November till _ December (except on Friday and public holidays) from 08.00 am to 5.00 pm.
- Prospects and Syllabus Prospects and syllabus will found at the website ‘Admission’ menu at
- Incomplete application form: Due to the demand for stamps-7 and 8 (which is applicable), the paper scarcity not acceptable. If the demanded cadet of the examination centre fails to submit to the candidate’s entrance examination, by the date of __ December, the application will be considered as corrupt /cancelled.
- Examination medium: You can attend Bengali / English in any written test.
- Publication of written test results: The oral and health-related examination schedule of the written test results and passed candidates will publish on and cadet colleges in due course on 02-06-2012.
- Join the Armed Forces: After cadet college education, cadets are given priority in the election examinations of the commissioned officer of the Armed Forces. In this case, the cadets will require to participate in the ISSB exam and join the Armed Forces if elected ultimately.
Special instructions
- Before completing the online application, read the admission notice properly and click on the ‘How to Apply’ link on ‘Admission Menu’ on the website and get detailed instructions.
- In the presence of the candidate and the guardian, it is advisable to fill the application form and upload the photo to get admission test.
- Provide the correct information at the time of completing the application form, so that the information with the documents sought later is similar.
- In the prescribed time (25 December 2020), the documents required to send to the designated cadet college entrusted to the examination centre mentioned in the entrance examination.
- Authorization reserves the right to cancel any application for the shortage of documents, inaccurate papers, or data interruption.
- The student will cancel at any time, even after admission if proven to submit for the second time.
- Candidates who willing to take the examination in the centre for admission related information, with Cadet College authorities responsible for the centre, on the mobile number mentioned in stanza 6, till 04 Jan 018 (except on Friday and public holidays) from 08.00 am to 05.00 pm Can communicate between.
- Candidates must appear at the examination centre on 0800 hours with the entrance test (in the latest revised) examination centre on the day of the examination. No candidate will allow participating in the written examination except for the admission.
More Instructions:
- The application will accept only after submitting an acknowledgement fee properly. Discovery letters can not print if the application fee is not submitted properly.
- If you do not get the confirmation SMS within 12 hours after submitting the application fee, contact the authorities of the medium through which the operator has submitted the fee.
- If you do not get the Admission Card successfully within 24 hours of submitting an acknowledgement fee, contact the ‘E-booth Outlet’ authority of the cadet college.
- All subsequent results/information regarding admission will publish only on website and in cadet colleges.
Important Candidates For All Candidates List of essential papers for all the candidates are as follows
- Candidate’s Primary Education Closing / Ebtedayee Certified Certificate of Expiration Examination In case of candidates studying through English. Certificates passed by Head Teacher passing in 5th / same class.
- Attested Photocopy of Candidate Birth Registration / Birth Certificate.
- The certificate indicates the passing of the sixth or equivalent (any medium) examination by the Headteacher. Test results, if it is not publish, then the Headteacher should give the certificate that ‘(name) …………………………. … 6th in this school.
- Class / equivalent yearly examinations (Bengali / English) ……………………… participated in Media / Version and completed the exam will be’
- Candidate’s parent/guardian and certified authority for the monthly income of the candidate.
- Candidate’s parents/guardian and mother’s national ID card and TIN certificate (if any) attested photocopies (National Certificate of authenticity because of the identity card, if not the identity card).
- Similar pictures uploaded in online application 1 × passport and 1 × stamp size (coloured) pictures.
Important Note: The attested photocopies must use the official’s name along with the attestation name and rank and the wrong information must refrain from delivering.
Cadet Colleges Admission Result 2023
Bangladeshi all Cadet College Admission Result Update Information will found the School Notice Board. Admission Result will publish by website. When the authority publish All School Admission Result, We will Update Here.
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